The Royalty of Mughal Era

Agra, once it used to be a capital of India during Mughal Dynasty. It was the Mughal who put this city into the limelight by way of making it as a capital of India. Babur, who was the founder of Mughal dynasty, saw the dream of conquering India with the help of his cavalry skill, belonged to Uzbekistan and the name of the city was Samarkand that was one of oldest cities of central Asia. Unfortunately, Babur took his last breathe in this city too, for the time being, his body was buried at “Arambagh" in the present is known as “Rambagh".

After couple of months, his body was taken to Kabul, a city of Afghanistan where he was buried, so the tomb of Babur is at Kabul. Many Mughal descendant crowned and de-crowned here. Some of them became victims of internecine war. Despite of having such odd conditions, ruler gave their best possible effort to decorate this city with unique and grand monuments. The significance of this city can be imagined by way visiting three world heritages.

The Tajmahal: Breathe Taking Monument for lovers

It has been one of the leading monuments in India which boasts of all the sparkling features. Some of the historian says it is the only place which needs to be considered as a paradise of the world. The reason for saying such lovely comments is that this monument is dedicated to the love of his beloved. The name of that beautiful lady is “Mumtaz", and her childhood name is “Arjunman Bano Begam" who lost her life while giving the birth of 14th child. After her death, King Shah Jahan has decided to build Taj Mahal.  It took around 22 years to build by 20,000 artisans, craftsmen, stone cutter, and bricklayers and so on.

Agra Fort:- Flawless Fort with Its Massive Architecture

Agra Fort, being one of the world heritage sights in this city. This used to be a home of many Mughal rulers and used to be a capital of this country till 1638.  Shah Jahan changed his capital from Agra to Delhi.  It is built by Akbar on the bank of river Yamuna who was the third Mughal ruler from 1565 to 1573.  After Mughal, Maratha has captured this fort with ease from them, but they could not retain it for long time. Most of the part of this fort is occupied by Indian army in the present time.

The Royalty of Mughal Era

Out of the four gates, only two gates become so prominent one is “Lahori Gate" and second gate is “Delhi Gate". Now day’s tourists made their entry through “Lahori Gate". Entry through “Delhi Gate" is reserved for only Indian army. In security’s point of view, it is known as an impregnable fort. It is not an easy work to breach the security of this fort. It comes with moat and two ramparts and the height of the wall is around is 70 feet.  All the features have been added to make it invincible for example battlement, machicolation, embrasure, moat, and drawbridge.

Tomb of Itimad-Ud-Daulah

In 1622 to 1628, “Noor Jahan" commissioned this monument in the memory of her father whose name was “Mirza Gyas Beg", was the prime minister of Jahangir’s court.  It is so pristine and is embedded with tiny details, many people also call it “Baby Taj“. To understand nitty-gritty of this monument needs a lot of time and patience, many tourists or historian have given their views regarding Itimad-Ud-Daulah Tomb, all the components of this monument are mesmerizing like inlaid work, paintings, layout of the garden, and tranquility.

On the whole, Agra is one of the most prominent cities to be familiar with Mughal era moreover, it offers astonishing opportunity to the visitors not only see but also feel that era by way of eating delicious delicacies in  the street of this city.

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Royalty of Mughal Era Through The Monuments of Agra